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Gabriella(as written by Gabriella’s mother) My daughter Gabriella Kimberly Garrison was born June 22, 2014. She came into this world fighting for her life at 37 weeks with complications. Gabby stayed in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) for four days due to respiratory distress and was on CPAP breathing support. When she came home, she seemed to be doing great! Ten months went by and we enjoyed our happy, healthy, sassy, active little girl.

On April 20, 2015, she displayed the same symptoms of respiratory distress and I rushed her to our local emergency room. There, they quickly realized her heart was declining and sent her immediately to Westchester Medical Children’s Hospital where doctors rushed against time to save her life and put her on life support. Her diagnosis then was determined to be non-specific heart failure. She had reached the highest level of care that hospital had to offer and they transported her two days later to Boston Children’s Hospital for a heart transplant evaluation.

We arrived in Boston on April 22, 2015. The team of cardiologists have successfully weaned her off life support and her recovery is promising. The origin of her heart failure is still being investigated and there are still genetic labs pending. Her current diagnosis is Cardiomyopathy/Myocarditis and Heart Block stage 2. I pray she continues to be strong and that her heart function elevates. Thank you so much for your support in her journey.